Fix Your Landing Pages’ Call To Action
I’ve looked at a lot of Analytics reports over the years and the one thing I can guarantee to see every time I look at a new profile is that the top pages aren’t actually going to be the top pages …
I’ve looked at a lot of Analytics reports over the years and the one thing I can guarantee to see every time I look at a new profile is that the top pages aren’t actually going to be the top pages …
If your an SEO or a online Marketer of any kind you’ve probably done more than your fair share of keyword research. We all have our own methods of doing keyword research so I won’t go into too much detail …
This post about improving your landing pages is a part of my new 10 minute SEO series. I aim to give you some SEO tasks that you can do in 10 minutes or less to help improve your site’s rankings and …
Creating .htaccess 301 redirects couldn’t be easier. It takes just 1 line of code starting with ‘redirect 301’ followed by a space then the source and destination urls seporated by a space.
NOTE: This method no longer provides the benefits it once used to. It has been a long time since Google’s experiment with showing author avatars by articles has ended. You can still add the tag however it’s usefulness is much …
Functionality Plugin A functionality plugin is a custom made plugin for your site. It holds any kind of changes you make to your site, any added features and functions and generally makes your site’s code easier to manage. If you …
I often wish there were a sure fire SEO cheat sheet to follow when writing posts for my blogs. Include keywords, compliment it with images, link relevant pages, cite good sources, nofollow certain links, canonical links, validate your mark-up, internal …
Manage your Google+ Pages with Hootsuite Google has been giving a limited amount of lucky third-parties exclusive API access to Google+ pages, it’s opening up to other. Hootsuite is one of those lucky developers. I hadn’t tried Hootsuite before but …
Becoming a better blogger isn’t about getting more people reading your posts, get that idea out of your head right away. Good content makes a good blogger so better content makes a better blogger. Obviously the long term goal is to get more people reading your blog and through becoming a better blogger you will reap the rewards of increased traffic to your content.
SEO IMPACT! I’m a huge blogger, I write articles on various different blogs every week. I work on my articles every day and believe that good SEO practices for every blogger should be second nature. They shouldn’t interfere with the …